Mirar by Dr. Yanetsi is a medical aesthetics studio providing Botox, Fillers, Morpheus8, Laser Hair Removal, Vitamin B-12, & more for rejuvenating how you look & feel

Mirar means
“to look”


Helping patients to look the way they feel, Mirar offers non-invasive medical aesthetic injections and procedures that safely transform hair and skin for desired goals.


Dr. Yanetsi’s command of care allows her to offer treatment for conditions such as TMJ and Hyperhidrosis. For those suffering from anxiety, disease, or pain, Dr. Yanetsi guides them through medical marijuana certification in the state of Florida.


For patients, their family, friends, and the community, Mirar is able to come to your business or home for a private event. We offer aesthetic parties and wellness workshops that are professional and memorable.

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